Recent Testimonials

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"I am avid cyclist and generally into high intensity sports. I started seeing Dani soon after my FAI hip surgery. She had me back on the bike months before my surgeon’s estimate for recovery. I was one of those people who did not place much faith in PT or any form of therapy for that matter, but since being treated by Dani, I am a convert. I continued seeing Dani for the plethora of other injuries I suffered in cycling and other activities. To that end, she helped me resolve some neck and shoulder pain as well. If you are merely interested in improving your current state, Dani is also stellar at fine tuning body mechanics for maximum efficiency. Most importantly, however, I would say that Dani’s breadth of knowledge, work ethic and compassion for her patients sets her apart from the rest. I heartily recommend Dani to anyone who is either suffering needlessly or who simply wants to improve themselves. Seeing Dani could very well be life changing for you!"


"I was visiting Bozeman, MT from Wisconsin, and my first day in town I sprained my ankle. Dani had me hiking two days later with very little pain. Her manual mobilization of the ankle was nothing I have ever experienced before. The pain immediately felt better. Every time I visit Bozeman even if I do not have any pain, I plan on making a visit to gabel PT + wellness just for maintenance." 


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“Dani is one of the most knowledgeable and caring physical therapists that I have been treated by. I had a lower back injury that caused me to stop running. I had tried going to my chiropractor and resting, but I was sidelined for 2 or 3 months and nothing seemed to work.  Within about 3 weeks of seeing Dani, I was back running pain free. She has a unique method of core activation and strengthening that works!“


"I went to Danielle because I had severe neck and back pain and could not sleep at night.  She did deep tissue massage and worked my muscles and made me do exercises. The results were amazing, I could sleep at night and the pain was gone. Danielle is a very caring person, she does not treat you like you are just a number. I found the experience very satisfactory.  I would recommend her to anyone."


"Dani has helped me with a long time bicep injury over the last several months. Her care and insight have not only given me more mobility, she has also found the key to unlocking my long knotted neck. I had grown so used to the pain that I didn’t think anyone could change the fact that my neck always had a knot on the right side. She figured out that the two issues were related. Today, I have much relief and hope that I can be without pain. The pain goes away after she works on me, and it stays away longer each session. I appreciate her expertise and dedication. I am so lucky to have found her."



"I had knee pain when I started seeing Dani. Not only did she evaluate the knee, she looked at my whole body and how that impacted my knee. She found issues at my pelvis from a surgery that I had over 10 years ago that directly impacted my knee. As an RN, I can really appreciate her holistic approach to evaluation and treatment. Dani is a very talented and skilled PT. She is by far the best PT I have ever worked with. Her hands on approach is not like anything I have ever experienced. She individualizes her treatment plan for each person she works with. She is able to help people return to to their highest level of performance despite their acute or chronic issues. I now run pain free and have no issues at the knee!"


"Dani's certification/training in Functional Manual Therapy® has been a very effective approach to healing my numerous injuries and reducing my chronic pain. Dani was able to recognize and treat various issues contributing to my chronic pain, in ways that other PT's hadn't been able to figure out! Thank you Dani!"

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“In 2012 I suffered a hemorrhagic stroke leaving me functionally limited on my left side and thus keeping me from my two passions- guitar performance and hiking. Since that fateful time, I had traveled to find some of the finest therapists in the world as I have been set forth on a quest for a full revival my life’s path without regard to the time and effort needed for full recovery. This path led me to Dani Gabel who began to rebuild my body with a knowledge and skill -level that not only revived my ability to continue my life’s work but also lit a candle of inspiration within me in knowing I was in the best hands possible to fulfill my goals in life. Although I can share with you that I have much more revival ahead of me before my quest is fully fulfilled, I must attest that Dani Gabel shines so brightly as a therapist in a world that is still discovering what is possible when compassion, skill and knowledge are combined with the drive of the human spirit to achieve whatever we may dream to be. Simply amazing work Dani – thank you!”


“Through Dani's skilled and caring work, I am feeling and moving the best I have in twenty years! Her role in my recovery from decades-old injuries and two recent, successful joint replacement surgeries has been invaluable. She has helped me to release old compensatory patterns and to anchor more efficient ways of moving. I enjoy improved alignment, stability, and balance from head to toe. My entire body is functioning at a much higher level of ease and well-being, leaving me with more energy to get outdoors and enjoy life. I am so grateful!”